
In the concern that the academic studies on the MIPYME were recognized as an independent community, within the Management Sciences, with self-autonomy in his field of research; the Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo through the Institute of Economic Sciences Administrative, were undertaken in coordination with the academic body of administration, the Consortium of Mexican universities (CUMex) and the L'Association Internationale de Recherche Enterpreneuriat et PME (AIREPME); the First International Congress on MIPYME in Mexico (CIMIPYME 09), which served as the spearhead for the constitution of a space for researchers interested in the field of study of the SMSES, in turn was established a direct link with researchers and national orders. 1

Interested in everything that happened around the micro, small and medium enterprise, not only in the country but around the world as the main engine of the economy; it is called the 2o. International Congress in Mexico on the MIPYME 2011. In this space reflected on the process of innovation, the size of its competitiveness and its capacity to endeavor, the objective was to analyze diagnostic models, research methodologies, and processes of intervention in the MIPYME in Mexico and in other countries, the organization was in charge of the Association of Researchers on the MIPYME in Mexico and the Universidad del Valle de Atemajac UNIVA, in collaboration with L'Association Internationale de Recherche Entrepreneuriat et PME (AIREPME).2

In the edition 2013, the University of Guanajuato the Association of researchers on the MIPYME in Mexico, L'Association Internationale de Recherche in SMES (AIREPME) and the Foundation for Strategic Analysis and Development of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (FAEDPYME) have as objective to know, share, discuss, reflect and to build the collective knowledge on MIPYME and family businesses, their strategies, current problems and their potential, in a common space.

That is why we invite you to the Third International Congress on the MIPYME (CIMIPYME) entitled 'spaces of construction and linking on the collective knowledge and strategies' which will be held from 4 to 6 September, 2013 in the Campus facilities Celaya-Salvatierra , located in Shaft South John Paul II # 201, Col. Santa Maria, in the town of Celaya, Guanajuato, Mexico.

Within this meeting you will be able to enjoy a program consisting of: Lectures; Table experts; Postgraduate Symposium; Workshops; Spaces of joint action; Presentation of networks and Exhibitions of books on the subject.

The themes that will be developed on MIPYME and family business, are the following: Configuration epistemological; Theoretical and methodological; Proposed models of management; Problems in Latin America; Strategies for regional development; Innovation and technology; Collaboration and competitiveness; Sustainability; Consulting; Best practices; Trends and challenges; Successful experiences of linking or intervention; Public policy; Territory; Vocations; Sectors; Branch; Class; Productive regions; Transversality disciplinary.

The call is for: Researchers; Networks; Associations, Academic bodies; organizations; Entrepreneurs; Civil servants; Research centers; Postgraduate students and every person, regardless of the activity being conducted, is welcome to participate in this Third International Congress on MIPYME.

In the congress in form of 'Network of Networks' will be able to interact with experts and scholars of the MIPYME and Family Enterprises including:

A) Foundation for Strategic Analysis and Development of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (FAEDPYME);
B) Association Internationale de Recherche Enterpreneuriat et SMES (AIREPME);
C) Mexican Association of Studies on Work (AMET);
D) network of researchers from Studies SMES(RIESPYME);
E) Ibero-american Network of competitiveness in Research and Development (RIICD);
F) Latin American Network of Universities by the Social Entrepreneurialism (Headquarters Guanajuato) (REDUNES);
G) Academic Body Development and Management of the MIPYME;
H) Latin America-spain on network management, innovation and Sustainability (GIS);
I) Research Network in administration of the Technological Innovation and Sustainable Economic (RAITES);
J) Network of Economic and Social Entrepreneurialism (RES);
K) CA 'consolidated' innovation and culture - Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, Faculty of Accounting and Administration;
L) CA study of the organizations of the Universidad Autonoma de Chiapas (UNACH), among others.

  • 1 Sanchez Trejo, Victor Gabriel et. al. , Academic Research in MIPYME: realities, opportunities and challenges, Ed University Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo, Pachuca, Hidalgo, 2009, p 329-332.

    2 2012, [consulted: October 5 2012, 12:21]

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